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Tphysicsletters/6981/1296/Calculation of the Hubble Constant, the Minimum Mass, and the Proton

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Friday, June 2, 2023 at 6:30:00 AM UTC

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Calculation of the Hubble Constant, the Minimum Mass, and the Proton Charge Radius Using the Dirac’s Hypothesis on the Ratio of the Electrostatic Force to the Gravitational Force

Paul Talbot
Theoretical Physics Letters

2023 ° 02(06) ° 0631-1296

DOI: 10.1490/369869.0692tpl

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This publication suggests that some physical values could be calculated using the Dirac’s hypothesis on the observed ratio of the electrostatic force to the gravitational force. The calculated value of the Hubble constant is H ≈ 72.013 km s‑1 Mpc‑1 and that of the minimum mass, Mmin ≈ 1.720 6 × 10‑68 kg. Recent observations suggest that the proton charge radius could also be calculated using an additional but related assumption: rp ≈ 0.826 4 fm.