Physics Tomorrow Letters consists of five major journals Theoretical Physics Letters Impact factor 3.5, Material Science Letters Impact factor 2.0, Chemical Letters, Nanotechnology Letters, and Mathematics Letters.
All journals are monthly thrice peer-reviewed.
Offers and notifications
PTL has the full right to modify any of the offers without any prior notification.
Discover the best impact factor journals
June submissions will be eligible for award and fellowship. Get is published earlier to apply for it later.

Physics Tomorrow Letters is the part of the Physics Tomorrow organization that provides the opportunity to the devoted researchers of science to publish their research articles at a minimum cost.
Physics Tomorrow Lettres never compromises with the quality of the articles.
PTL accepts research, review, communication articles.
Each article undergoes through the standard peer-review process before acceptance.
Each article is reviewed within 30 days form submission.
The author has to submit copyright transfer form and no fees provided form (applicable only during any offering period) to PTL which will only be accessible after acceptance of the manuscript.
After all the formalities the paper will be published within 96 hours with a dedicated DOI.
Note once published on the internet then no content change request will be granted.
Refer FAQs.
A PTL submission must contain a final manuscript along with a proper cover letter.
Science citation indexing (SCI)
Extended Indexings
Index Copernicus
Online manuscript submission is open
Alternatively, you can submit your manuscript through email at
Note- One submission must include one cover letter
all author details in mail content. Do not include in the manuscript.
Themes covered currently
Applied Physics
Atomic Physics
Cluster Physics
Complex Systems Physics
Computational Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Cosmology & Early Universe
Earth & Planetary Sciences
Fluid Physics
Free-Electron Laser
General Physics
General Relativity
High Energy Astrophysics
Instrumentation & Measurement
Interdisciplinary Physics
Laser & Photonics
Low Temperature Physics
Medical Physics
Materials Sciences & Technology
Mathematical Physics
Mechanical Response of Solids & Structure
Molecular Physics
New Materials: Micro & Nano-Mechanics & Homogeneization
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Nonlinear Science
Nuclear Science & Engineering
Optical Physics
Physical Engineering
Physics of Nanostructures
Plasma Physics
Quantum Mechanical Developments
Quantum Theory
Relativistic Astrophysics
Solar Energy
Statistical Physics
Statistical Mechanics
Theoretical High Energy Physics
Thin films Physics
Transport Theory
X-Ray Diffraction
X-Ray Spectroscopy
Author’s Responsibilities
Author/s warrants that his/their manuscript is an original work that has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere either in printed or electronic form.
Authors warrant that all who have contributed significantly to the manuscript are indicated as authors.
Authors warrant that the rights of third parties will not be violated and that the publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
Authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of their submissions, the validity of the results and must make sure that they have permission from all involved parties to make the data public.
Authors wishing to include figures, charts or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
It is the responsibility of each author to ensure that papers submitted to this journal are written with ethical standards in mind and that they do not contain plagiarism. Authors affirm that the article contains no unfounded or unlawful statements and does not violate the rights of others.
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editorial office or publisher and cooperate to address the issue in accordance with COPE guideline.
No Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious issue and very easy to avoid. Plagiarized articles are not allowed to publish in the PTL. We are using CrossCheck service from CrossRef for the initial detection and further DOCOLOC for the detection of the possible plagiarism. But still, if any article found to be plagiarized later on then appropriate action will be taken as per publisher guideline on plagiarism. We will review suspected/claimed articles as per publication ethics of PTL publisher and that article might be retracted.
Basic science research
Theoretical and applied physics.
Experimental science.
Nanoscale device modelling and fabrication.
Growth and fabrication techniques for nanostructures and nanodevices.
Nanofabrication and Processing of nanoscale materials and devices
Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Materials and Films
Nanoscale characterizations and properties of nanomaterials and nanoelectronics
Nanosystems for Biological, Medical, Chemical, Catalytic, Energy and Environmental Applications
Nanophotonics and Nanoplasmonics Materials and Devices
Application of Nanostructured materials and Nanodevices
VLSI design and Integrated circuit fabrication
Material science.
Nuclear science.
Space science.
Read carefully before submitting a manuscript.
Selection process
Submissions are peer reviewed by 4-6 members of the International TPC (Technical Program Committee) review report is strictly declared within one month of submission. TPC consists of international experts who are leading researchers in the field, working in academia and industry. The comments are intended to drive the authors to provide a better camera-ready or to improve the future submissions when rejected.
PTL also provide a dedicated review on the editorial/grammar/punctuation. Before and after the camera-ready version there is cross-validation of the accuracy of the updated version. The last validation is performed on the PTL website.
Articles that are promising but need more work to enter a full second round of review and assisted improvement. The acceptance is based on the reviews and the quality of the submissions. There is no target for the acceptance rate; practically excellent papers are accepted. On average, the acceptance rate after the first revision varies from 27% to 36%.
Accepted papers are in two categories: (i) with minor revision, and (ii) with a special request for revisions. Accepted papers with a special request for revisions are submitted to the second round of revisions.
Papers with very valuable ideas, but in much need of presentation improvements, are given special attention; a TPC member from the PTL “task force” will be coaching the authors to improve the paper. The final version is again revised by a PTL member to validate the quality.
Accepted and rejected papers are acknowledged; reviews are sent to the authors in both cases.
Camera-ready versions are validated again on the Publisher site, for accuracy; fraudulent final submissions of substituted or of on purpose unprofessional content will be rejected.
Reviewers are instructed to keep confidentiality on the submissions /either accepted or rejected/; only accepted papers are exposed to the public audience.
Note that while we strive to have 100% accurate information, there is always the possibility of human error. PTL is not responsible for inaccuracies, typos, or misprints presented online, electronically, in print, or otherwise.
The accept/reject decision for any given submission is final. However, at its discretion, PTL may reconsider specific works for a reassessment with regards to the accept/reject decision. If deemed necessary by PTL, a committee will reassess the work and render a final decision. The decision of such committee is final and no further appeals will be possible.
PTL never asks for publication fees during any offering period.
An accepted paper must be registered, through a specific registration form shared with the corresponding author. PTL registration is “per paper”, this means that each accepted paper must be registered on a separate registration form. If many authors of the same paper, registration is needed for each author.
The registration form contains several categories: students, PTL Fellows, academic, and industry.
When registering, please use the online registration form which will be available only after acceptance notification.
Withdrawal and Plagiarism policy
PTL encourages young researches, professors, and engineers to submit new idea papers, practical results, lessons learnt, as well as any substantial contributions to the scientific community.
We strongly advise that the papers be carefully edited to improve the legibility of the text. The length of the originally submitted papers must not vary too much from the camera-ready version.
While withdrawing a paper may happen in a limited number of cases, we support the fairness of the submission. Please take note of the following with respect to paper submissions:
(i) Submissions should not be intended to get reviews from the TPC for the sole purpose of improving the quality of the paper. A submission implies that the author intends to ultimately register the paper upon a favourable response from the organizers. PTL doesn’t encourage withdrawals after the paper is submitted (in review) or accepted. Read the manuscript withdraw policy.
(ii) Once submitted, a contribution should not be resubmitted to another event before a confirmation of acceptance or rejection. As e-mail may fail, it is the responsibility of the authors to ensure there is no double submission based on an assumption that the paper was rejected, but the e-mail failed to be received. PTL doesn’t support double submissions. Once a paper is submitted elsewhere, and no decision was clearly received, don’t submit the same paper to PTL.
(iii) Small amounts of already published material are allowed in any submission, under the condition that the source is clearly identified. If the reference is missing [quotes and citation], and the paper is published, the publishing authors must write a letter of apology to the original author. If the paper is not published, the review process must enforce the authors to make this reference; the publication process continues only after the text was properly corrected.
(iv) PTL fully follows ACM and IEEE plagiarism policies and cooperates with ACM and IEEE to enforce them.
If plagiarism is discovered during the review process, the paper is automatically rejected; the author must explain the cause and write a letter of apology to the original author.
If plagiarism is discovered after the paper is published, the following rules apply.
For ACM Plagiarism policy, see: “Plagiarism on the rise”, Ronald F. Boisvert, Mary Jane Irwin, Communications of the ACM, June 2006, Volume 49, Number 6, pp.23-24.
As per the authors of the article mentioned above “the verbatim copying, near-verbatim copying, or purposely paraphrasing portions of another author’s’ paper” is plagiarism.
PTL endorses and applies the levels of offence, investigation and penalties set by the ACM Code of Ethics.
Litigations must be properly followed; the offending authors must apologize to the offended authors. PTL will inform the authors’ organization about the plagiarism facts. If subsequent offences occur, the author is banned from publishing in PTL conferences. This rule is 100% enforced.
PTL Publisher’s Responsibilities [Click to read]
Protect the reputation of our journals and published work by publishing content of the highest quality and relevance in a timely and responsible manner.
Provide detailed information concerning both our understanding of publication ethics and our implementation of the same. Emphasise a desire for prevention, not eventual detection, of ethical misconduct.
Adhere to COPE’s core practice and keep our editorial boards, publishing staff and society partners up-to-date with their guidelines and policies, adapting our own where appropriate.
When necessary, request proof of originality/accuracy from the corresponding author of any work submitted to any of our journals.
Use plagiarism detection software (currently using similarity check by CrossRef powered by Ithenticate) when necessary for any submission to any journal at any stage of the submissions and publication process.
Provide a transparent submission and publication process, with full respect and care paid to the author. This includes detailed and dedicated instructions to authors for each journal, outlining referencing style, accepted article types and submission processes.
Investigate thoroughly any suggestion of ethical misconduct detected during any stage of the submissions process. This can include but is not restricted to plagiarism, redundant publication, fabrication or misuse of data and authorial disputes.
Correct substantive errors in galley according to COPE guideline in a timely fashion. When necessary, retract articles that we deem to be unethical, misleading or damaging according to the retraction policy and COPE guideline.
When necessary, publish errata, corrigenda, and retractions in a timely and responsible fashion, detailing the decision through notice publication.
Remain in good communication with editors, authors, reviewers and society partners (where applicable).