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Basic information

Read carefully for online submission

The author must follow the few following steps.

The important points for submission

  • Submission can be only .pdf or .doc in format. Any type of supplementary document like images should be included on the last page of the manuscript. If there has any datasheet then select yes at the supplementary option in the submission form and after submission when the author will receive the acknowledgement email from PTL then our team will guide you on how to submit the rest files.

  • Each submission should be in the proper template as per PTL standards.

  • One submission must contain a cover letter. Download the cover letter template, fill out the form and save it as a .pdf in the format before uploading. If you don't want to submit the cover letter separately then kindly fill in all the information in the submission form.

  • After submission, you will get the unique manuscript ID kindly to keep it safe.

  • Make sure you are already registered with ORCID.

  • During submission, authors must select the specific journal name. The authors can also select multiple journals if they feel to choose.  Note- If one manuscript gets accepted in multiple journals the authors will be able to publish only one journal only the rest will be automatically cancelled.

  • Every individual journal has different acceptance rates and review times. The authors must go through the related webpage.

  • After submission anytime the authors could be contacted by the publication department as per reviewers' requirements.

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PTL fellowship
Best paper award
Research sponsorship

June submissions will be eligible for award and fellowship. Get is published earlier to apply for it later.

Theoretical Physics Letters

Impact factor 1.2

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