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Fisika Môre Teoretiese Fisika-briewe (TPL) 'n SCI-geïndekseerde maandelikse drie keer eweknie-geëvalueerde joernaal.
Physics Tomorrow Theoretical Physics Letters TPL is 'n internasionale drie keer beoordeelde joernaal wat die nuwe navorsings- en oorsigartikels oor elke dimensie van die fisika publiseer. Die huidige impakfaktor is 1,4 volgens die 2019-opdatering.
fisiese hersiening a, toegepaste fisika briewe.
Indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), CAPlus / SciFinder, Inspec, and many other databases.
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Free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
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Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 21 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 8-10 days post first decision.
Reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in any Physics Tomorrow Letters, in appreciation of the work done.
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Impak faktor
3.56 (2022) ; 7-Year Impact Factor: 4.16 (2024 running month)
Journal Flyer

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TPL is 'n oop toegang tot internasionale joernaal wat die onlangse neigings van teoretiese, eksperimentele en waarnemingsfisika dek. Dit het ten doel om 'n wonderlike geleentheid te bied aan die voorste navorsers wêreldwyd vir die publikasie van hul waardevolle werke teen minimum honorarium. Omdat ek glo dat goeie idees onskatbaar is.
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The Nature of the 1 MeV-Gamma quantum in a Classic Interpretation of the Quantum Potential

Dirac-Majorana neutrino type conversion induced by an oscillating scalar dark matter

Calculation of the Hubble Constant, the Minimum Mass, and the Proton Charge Radius Using the Dirac’s Hypothesis on the Ratio of the Electrostatic Force to the Gravitational Force
Total submitted and accepted manuscript ratio in current month.